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B 990 Bootcamp: Ruler Work Quilting with the Ultimate BERNINA Machine
B 990 Bootcamp: Ruler Work Quilting with the Ultimate BERNINA Machine

B 990 Bootcamp: Ruler Work Quilting with the Ultimate BERNINA Machine


BERNINA B 990 Bootcamp Series


You have our permission to play and learn what it means to use BERNINA Integrated Stitch Regulator (BISR) for RulerWork quilting

In this in depth class you will learn the following:

  • Cross-hatch Quilting 
  • Stitch in the ditch
  • Using circles 
    • In borders and sashings
    • As a motif
  • Using an edge to edge ruler template for a border
    • Ribbon Candy
  • Using A template set for all over quilting
    • Hexies

Class is FREE to those who purchased from BERNINA of Naperville. Call to register 331-472-4231 or use the code that we previously emailed to you.

PLEASE NOTE: We have 1 BERNINA 990 machines available for you to use in class. Machines are available on a first to sign up, first allocated system.